Cumming, Valerie

-; Feldman, Valerie (Hg.); Price, Robert (Illustrationen), Fashions of a Decade (1920-1990)
London (B.T. Batsford) 1990-1993
8 Reihentitel
The 1920's: Jaqueline Herald, 1991
The 1930's: Maria Costantino, 1992
The 1940's: Patricia Baker 1991
The 1950's: Patricia Baker, 1995
The 1960's: Yvonne Connikie, 1990
The 1970's: Jaqueline Herald, 1992
The 1980's: Vicky Carnegy, 1990
The 1990's: Elane Feldmann, 1992

Ribeiro, Aileen (Ed.), The Costume Accessories Series, London (B. T. Batsford) 1982

Understanding Fashion History
London, New York, (Costume and Fashion Press) 2004, 144 pp., ill.